A Guide for 2024

Find our list of the best LANTITE Practice Tests, Questions and Past Papers below. And learn more about Cluey's LANTITE Test Prep Programs.

The Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) is used to ensure that the literacy and numeracy skills of every preservice teacher in Australia can meet the demands of the teaching profession (link to other LANTITE piece).

Introduced by the Australian Council for Education Research (ACER) the LANTITE is a requirement for every student enrolled in an education course. Whether intending to teach primary or secondary school, students must pass the LANTITE to gain their qualifications.

All student teachers, whether beginning or coming to the end of their degree, understand the importance of the LANTITE. That’s why access to key preparation tools like LANTITE practice tests, as well as test taking strategies, is vital.

Why is the LANTITE important?

The LANTITE is important for both aspiring teachers and school students. Firstly, for those enrolled in a teaching degree, passing the LANTITE is a requirement needed in order to complete the degree and start practising as a teacher.

Secondly, for students (and their parents) it gives them the confidence that their classroom teacher is skilled in both numeracy and literacy. All of which helps teachers provide students with a solid and well rounded education.

How Cluey can help you prepare for the LANTITE

Cluey offers LANTITE tutoring. Our team of expert tutors - who are current and ex teachers that have either completed the test or taught the test concepts for years - combine concepts, demonstrations and worked examples.

By mapping what the test covers and helping you work through past examples, Cluey’s tutors make it easy for you to comprehend theory and apply these notions in practice. All of which helps you master the necessary literacy and numeracy components for the LANTITE test.

Why Cluey’s LANTITE tutoring is more effective than practising alone

It can be easy to sit at home and complete practice tests alone. However, by undertaking LANTITE practice tests alone, it can be hard to understand what you’re doing right and where you’re going wrong. 

By enlisting the help of Cluey Learning, our tutors can quickly identify gaps in your understanding. This way, the appropriate corrections can be made, ensuring that your test results are improving rather than staying the same.

Cluey’s tutors can also provide unique insight into the test taking process. As professionals, our tutors can demonstrate best exam taking practises. All of which assists you to develop strategies that will help you manage the clock while taking the two part LANTITE test.

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What skills will the LANTITE test?

When preparing for the LANTITE, it’s recommended that teaching students familiarise themselves with the Literacy and Numeracy website and the skills and content assesed by the test which are described in this guide.

By understanding this background information, students are better informed and importantly, more equipped to complete ACER LANTITE practice tests and past papers efficiently and effectively.

LANTITE Practice Tests and Exam Questions


ACER is the Australian Council for Education Research and provides online practice tests for both the literacy and numeracy components of the LANTITE test. As well as LANTITE practice tests, ACER also provides practice questions and test taking strategies.


Mathed is a website that provides 890 practice questions for the numeracy portion of the LANTITE test. Importantly, the online site also provides full worked solutions to every question.


RMIT offers a range of different sample literacy, numeracy, verbal and aptitude tests, as well as short courses that are designed to help teaching students as they prepare to take the LANTITE test.

Curtin University

Curtin University provides a host of different literacy and numeracy tests that will benefit those taking the LANTITE test. The online site also features numeracy and literacy tests that are broken down into different components.

University of Tasmania

The University of Tasmania features mathematics modules broken down into different pathways. The modules, which can be completed online, help students gain an understanding of mathematical theories and how they are applied in practice.

Top tips for LANTITE success

When it comes to successfully completing the LANTITE, practice is key. This way, you are not only getting a grasp of the test’s content, you are also testing yourself under exam conditions. This will help create a level of familiarity, primarily in your mindset, that will work wonders on test day.

By practising under exam conditions, you will also learn how to manage the clock. This helps to ensure that you answer all the questions as best you can, rather than focusing on a handful of questions and leaving other answers blank.

When it comes to making practice perfect, hiring a tutor is a great next step. There is no use taking practice tests and consistently getting the same questions wrong. By engaging a tutor, you have someone to bounce ideas, concepts and test taking strategies off.

Learn more about Cluey’s LANTITE test prep

Successfully taking the LANTITE test is a step that all teaching students must take in order to gain their qualifications. However, sometimes, passing the LANTITE test can be easier said than done. Especially when there is so much pressure attached.

To ensure that you’re well equipped and well prepared to take the LANTITE test, Cluey’s LANTITE test prep can help. An invaluable asset, Cluey’s LANTITE tutoring helps provide both the learning and the confidence teaching students need in order to pass.

To get a personalised program and enquire more about Cluey's LANTITE test prep, click the button links below.