20 reasons to get a tutor

The decision to pay for extra educational support is often based on a number of factors. Usually, students are struggling in one or more areas and could benefit from targeted help. Discover the most c...


Why attendance matters

Every student absence impacts achievement. Here’s how to identify at-risk students and intervene early.


What is Tutoring?

One-on-one? Online? Small groups? Learning centres? Here’s how to sift through the available offerings and find the right option for your child.


Parent interview: Alli

We recently conducted a series of interviews with real Cluey parents around their online learning experience. Were there any friction points when it came to interacting with an online tutor? Did techn...


How much screen time is too much?

As a modern society we spend more time looking at screens than ever before. With screens not going anywhere any time soon, how are all those pixels impacting us physically, emotionally, socially and m...


Analysing characters in English texts

Throughout your secondary English studies, you’ll read numerous novels and other texts. Knowing how to analyse key characters is a valuable skill for essay writing and exam preparation.

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