Building and nurturing resilience in gifted children

Many gifted children are not gifted in all areas of life; they can lack self-esteem and often doubt their true abilities.  As a parent or teacher, you can support gifted children to build resilience...

How to empower kids to own their learning

Teachers and parents play crucial roles in children's education. But empowering them to own their learning is perhaps the biggest advantage we can give them. Here's how.

7 ways to help your gifted child reach their potential

If your child shows signs of giftedness, it can be hard to know how best to support them. Here are seven ways you can encourage your child to make the most of their talents.

5 signs you should move schools

At its core, education is a relationship. And like any relationship, sometimes you need to make the tough choice to move on.

The benefits of learning a second language

The benefits of bilingualism traverse cognitive, academic, social and economic domains, which flow through to your community.

Kicking career goals and multitasking with ADD

Mention ADD – Attention Deficit Disorder — and most people assume it’s a learning difficulty. Once you have identified it and figured out what works for you, ADD can actually be a blessing for s...

Work and family: can we have it all?

Career. Family. Friends. The pressure to have it all can be all-consuming. Peace Mitchell, co-founder of the Women's Business School shares her secrets to making it all work.

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