How we quality-control thousands of tutoring sessions each week

We can say with as much confidence as tutoring gives your kids (that’s a lot by the way) that every one of our tutoring sessions meets the highest standards of quality. How can we be so confident? Read about our finely tuned process below.

AI quality control online tutoring sessions
Cluey Learning Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Every week we run thousands of private 1-to-1 and small group tutoring sessions for our students. With 1,450 tutors, content mapped to every state and 17,000+ students with unique learning needs, that’s a lot to keep track of!

To make sure we always deliver quality sessions for our students we have a team of highly experienced tech folk working hard in the background on quality-assurance. Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Data capture and analysis

All our tutoring sessions take place on a digital “whiteboard”– a modern day version of the old-school physical dry-erase boards and markers – where tutors and students can draw or see shapes, notes and other visual elements on an easy digital interface.

Every little thing that happens in each session – from the whiteboard interactions to the conversation between the tutor and student ­– generates data; a lot of it.

Step 2: AI Alerts and session replays

 All this data is captured and stored in something called the Cluey Data Hub where our AI does a bunch of things, almost instantaneously:

  • Reviews and analyses the content students are working on in each session
  • Tracks their progress (the length of time it takes to complete tasks)
  • Monitors their performance (via correct and incorrect answers)

If anything out of the ordinary is detected, an alert is sent to our quality assurance team who then replay the session to see what went down.

Step 3: Report back

Once we’ve watched the session, we reach out to the tutor with notes so they can improve for next time. With every session, we learn more and more about the behaviours of our students which ultimately allow our tutors to give them a more personalised learning experience.

With thousands of sessions running every week, this finely tuned process allows us to ‘be in the room’ as every tutoring session takes place, to not only make sure that the level of education meets our high standards but also to monitor the security and safety of our kids.

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