Rated 4.7/5 by parents and students (over 1,000,000 sessions now completed)

Year 11 Tutoring Epping

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Private tutoring for year 11 school students in Epping

Expert tutoring

Expert tutoring

Highly skilled tutors that are friendly, patient and relatable.
Quality content

Quality content

Quality content designed by education professionals in English, Maths and Chemistry.


Delivered face-to-face online – so you can relax at home while they learn.

Meet some of our 2,521+ expert year 11 tutors

Our tutors are all qualified teachers, exceptional ATAR achievers or experts in their respective fields.
Image of VIC University Student Marcela from Hughsdale


VIC University Student
Mathematics: Year 3 - Year 12
Chemistry VCE: Year 3 - Year 12
Marcela is currently studying a Masters of Teaching at Monash University. Her vision is to focus on providing a safe and positive learning environment that is engaging and inspires students of all learning levels and abilities to learn and engage with their education. Marcela wants all of her students to enjoy their education journey and know that their teacher is there to support them in every way.
Image of VIC Other Brian from Cranbourne


VIC Other
Mathematics: Year 7 - Year 12
Chemistry HSC: Year 7 - Year 12
An experienced tutor and top ATAR achiever, Brian has recently completed a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Mathematics and minoring in Chemistry.
Image of VIC University Student David from Glen Waverley


Glen Waverley
VIC University Student
Mathematics: Year 7 - Year 12
David completed high school with an impressive ATAR of 96.70, and is currently a student at Monash University completing a Bachelor's of Computer Science degree. David has a passion for Mathematics and has three years experience as a private tutor, working with students of various learning abilities and styles. David aims to strengthen his students learning capabilities through engaging and positive sessions.
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Some of the subjects we cover

Each subject is covered using a learning program that contains all the content you need and is led by your personally matched tutor

General Mathematics Year 11

Our Year 11 General Mathematics program covers all relevant outcomes as outlined in the VIC Syllabus. Students build on their practices of earning and managing money, computation and practical arithmetic. We introduce the fundamental skills of working with matrices, graphs and networks and provide practice to help students build mastery. The study of measurement and similarity are further developed for three-dimensional objects. A major application of linear relations is linear programming. Students will learn techniques and processes to find optimal solutions to linear programming problems. Our program explores the statistical investigation process, applications of trigonometry as well as number patterns and recursion.

Mathematical Methods Year 11

Our Year 11 Mathematical Methods program covers all relevant outcomes as outlined in the VIC Syllabus. Students examine the properties and graphs of linear, polynomial, inverse, exponential and logarithmic functions. Trigonometric functions are developed to include special identities. Students also learn to select appropriate techniques when working with arithmetic and geometric sequences and their application to financial situations. Investigating instantaneous rates of change helps build a student's conceptual understanding of differential calculus. Developing mastery of differentiation techniques enables students to solve related problems such as describing motion of a particle. The fundamental theory behind probability is expanded to include more complex techniques including conditional probability, independence and combinations.

English Year 11

Achieve your best as you study in detail the texts, concepts and skills that matter most to success in Senior English. You will read and respond to literary and other texts, analyse diverse representations of the world, and strengthen your own skills in the expression of your creative ideas and insights. From working with everyday texts in their many forms to exploring in depth specific works of poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, film and new media, you'll grow as a learner with Cluey there to support you.

Literature Year 11

Achieve your best as you study in detail the texts, concepts and skills that matter most to success in Senior English. You will read and respond to literary and other texts, analyse diverse representations of the world, and strengthen your own skills in the expression of your creative ideas and insights. From working with everyday texts in their many forms to exploring in depth specific works of poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, film and new media, you'll grow as a learner with Cluey there to support you.

English Language Year 11

Redefine yourself as a master of metalanguage. Understand English as a system in flux - one that influences and is influenced by culture and society. Learn how language is acquired and adapted, how meaning is made and how effective communication is or isn't achieved. Cluey will be there to support you all the way, as you track and measure your progress in this challenging but rewarding academic field.

We asked some of our students near Epping what they thought of their tutoring sessions:

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"We went through my english script draft for my upcoming assessment task, getting another insight into what I should fix and improve up"
Kascia, English student, Epping VIC
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"Very good session and a helpful tutor. The tutor is quick to find responses for questions asked and has good skill of research. resources are also great"
Zarla, Chemistry student, Hillside VIC
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"it was amazing having troy as my tutor. i feel like we grew an amazing bond and am so happy that i got him. troy if you are reading this you will be an amazing teacher and have lots of fun with it. if you need any more advice on teacher im sure you will be able to find me on facebook. have a good"
Isla-Rae, English student, Hillside VIC
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"I chose fun because my tutor supported me and showed me a new technique to learn. Today?s lesson was fun and encouraging. In the lesson I felt like my tutor supported me and made me feel confident to answer empirical formulas. When doing questions, I felt proud of myself, as Ali encouraged me and guided me to the right direction when approaching these questions and now feel confident to answer my practice questions. Overall a fun lesson and a good way to end my week! than"
Markon, Chemistry student, Hillside VIC
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"I learned things I was struggling with and Simran my tutor was very encouraging and clear when she explained things to me"
Sidney, Chemistry student, Hillside VIC

Students from schools across VIC choose Cluey for private tutoring

Geelong Grammar School
Independent Co-Ed in Corio VIC offering Prep-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 8:1
Mazenod College
Catholic Boys in Mulgrave VIC offering 7-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 12:1
Melbourne Girls College
Government Girls in Richmond VIC offering 7-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 15:1
Scotch College
Independent Boys in Swanbourne WA offering PP-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 9:1
Sirius College
Independent Co-Ed in Broadmeadows VIC offering Prep-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 11:1
Yarra Valley Grammar
Independent Co-Ed in Ringwood VIC offering Prep-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 10:1

Here’s what parents and students around Australia are saying about Cluey Learning:

My son is having tutoring for both Advanced Maths and Physics for year 11. The tutors are both undergraduate university students themselves, having accomplished their HSCs with higher than 95 ATARs. We are finding the online platform perfect as we don't have to race around after work/school to meet for appointments. The sessions are a pre booked standing appointment each week. My son logs on independently and has a face to face online session. The tutors are engaging, asks questions to interpret understanding, while both using a white board so it inter-active, my son is enjoying the lessons and the tutors chosen for him.
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Cluey Learning provided a much-needed boost to our child's education. Suddenly faced with the demands of year 11 English, our child went from near top of the class to near bottom in the space of a term. Her Cluey Learning tutor helped give her the confidence and concepts she was missing. If your child is struggling, even slightly, I recommend Cluey Learning. Their one-on-one classes and friendly, intelligent tutors will be of great assistance to giving your child the boost they need.
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Our daughter has been engaging with tutors through Cluey for end of Year 11 and it has been a very positive and professional learning experience. We will be returning for Year12!
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My daughter is in year 11 and is loving her sessions. She finds her young tutor to be lively and very thorough. I think she might be getting addicted to math!
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My daughter has really loved her weekly sessions. She was struggling as a year 11 student in a high level maths class. Now she is a lot more comfortable and happy that she can download the lesson very soon after it has occurred. Thank you!
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My son is in year 11 and he has been using Cluey for a month now. He receives weekly tutoring for Mathematics and Chemistry. He finds the tutoring process very straightforward and effective, and he already feels more confident in his abilities at school.
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Our Partners:

UNSW Australia
UNSW Data Science Hub
NSW Govenment Education
The Harding Miller Education Foundation

As featured in:

Mum Cental
North Shore Mums
Stay at home Mum
Kids on the Coast
Northern beaches Mums
Stuff Mums like
Mama Disrupt
The Good School Guide
Six Little Heart
Brisbane Kids
The Canberra Times
(click the logo to read the article)

Our Awards:

Technology Fast 50
Holon IQ
Technology Scale-up Awards

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Phone: 1300 182 000
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