"very good my tutor was very helpful and taught me heaps"
Nawid, English student, Wollongong NSW
"i felt i improved the tutor was good and helped a lot"
Aviah, Mathematics student, Lindfield NSW
"I enjoyed writing another story inspired by a quote as a stimulus. It is always really good when my tutor gives me feedback and gives me advice on how to improve, which she d"
Ayush, English student, Lindfield NSW
"Today was a very productive lesson and we were learning about expanding brackets but also factorisation and My tutor gave me some difficult questions and whenever I was stuck, he would teach me how to do them correc"
Yongxi, Mathematics student, Bella Vista NSW
"I enjoyed preparing for my essay and really liked how my tutor helped me cut down on my word count so that I will be able to write within the word count during my assessme"
Kawana, English student, Bella Vista NSW