"Adding Fractions with different denominators:
1. Multiply the denominators. The answer is your denominator in the answer.
2. then multiply the numerators and denominators diagonally. Add the 2 answers to get your final numerator"
Charlie-May, Mathematics student, Canberra ACT
"it went well it was fun he is nice and i had a ton of fun"
Kesia, Mathematics student, Canberra ACT
"Daniel kept giving me lots of information to me that I found useful"
Zafrin, English student, Canberra ACT
"I had a new teacher today and we read a text and did comprehension"
Lilly-Rose, English student, Canberra ACT
"because i felt i got supported and i just thought it was a really good class"
Charliese, English student, Canberra ACT