Kids today and the rise of AI: Shaping the future of learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming how children live, work, and learn. Today’s kids are growing up with AI integrated into their everyday experiences through smart devices, educational pla...

Cluey Treating Teachers across Australia and New Zealand

With the 2022 school year ending, we wanted to take a minute to acknowledge all the wonderful teachers that make your child’s learning experience so great. Turns out, with so many out there, we need...

What is NAPLAN?

NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills of all Australian school students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. But what is NAPLAN really? Read our guide to NAPLAN.

How much does tutoring cost?

Ever wondered why some tutors cost more than others? It comes down to supply and demand, format, and expertise, however consider the hidden cost of time and convenience.

What’s new at Cluey in 2022

New subjects, new schedules, new partnerships, and even new countries!

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