"The review left me confident with volume and surface area and I feel prepared for a wh"
Hatem, Mathematics student, Penrith NSW
"very good my tutor was very helpful and taught me heaps"
Nawid, English student, Wollongong NSW
"i felt i improved the tutor was good and helped a lot"
Aviah, Mathematics student, Lindfield NSW
"I enjoyed writing another story inspired by a quote as a stimulus. It is always really good when my tutor gives me feedback and gives me advice on how to improve, which she d"
Ayush, English student, Lindfield NSW
"Today was a very productive lesson and we were learning about expanding brackets but also factorisation and My tutor gave me some difficult questions and whenever I was stuck, he would teach me how to do them correc"
Yongxi, Mathematics student, Bella Vista NSW