Rated 4.7/5 by parents and students (over 1,000,000 sessions now completed)

High School Tutoring Townsville

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Private tutoring for high school students in Townsville

Expert tutoring

Expert tutoring

Highly skilled tutors that are friendly, patient and relatable.
Quality content

Quality content

Quality content designed by education professionals in English, Maths and Chemistry.


Delivered face-to-face online – so you can relax at home while they learn.

Meet some of our 2,521+ expert high school tutors

Our tutors are all qualified teachers, exceptional ATAR achievers or experts in their respective fields.
Image of QLD Other Nicole from Dayboro


QLD Other
English: Year 7 - Year 10
Nicole has experience as a Secondary Art and English teacher. She currently works as a private tutor specialising in English and creative writing.
Image of QLD University Student Thanikeshan from Middle Park


Middle Park
QLD University Student
Mathematics: Year 7 - Year 12
Mathematical Methods: Year 7 - Year 12
Thanikeshan completed his Year 12 certificate with an ATAR of 99.50. He is currently a Medical Student at University of New England. Thanikeshan has a passion for tutoring mathematics and is committed to helping others achieve their goals.
Image of QLD University Student Abhinav from Kin Kora


Kin Kora
QLD University Student
Mathematics: Year 7 - Year 12
Abhinav completed his Year 12 certificate with an ATAR of 99.45. He is currently studying a Bachelor of Medical Science/ Doctor if medicine at Monash University. Abhinav has been tutoring Mathematics for 2 years. He enjoys breaking down concepts to their simplest forms so students can better understand and retain the knowledge.
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Some of the subjects we cover

Each subject is covered using a learning program that contains all the content you need and is led by your personally matched tutor

Literacy Short Course Year 11

At the heart of all learning is interaction. By working closely with your Cluey Tutor to explore the world of language and communication, you will be building essential skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

English Extension 2 Year 12

Realise your vision and make something to be truly proud of. From the first appearance of your earliest ideas to the submission of your finished product, your Cluey Tutor will encourage you to identify and measure your progress against demonstrably high standards.

ESL A Bridging Year 11

At the heart of all learning is interaction. By working closely with your Cluey Tutor to explore the world of language and communication, you will be building essential skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

EALD Foundation Year 11

At the heart of all learning is interaction. By working closely with your Cluey Tutor to explore the world of language and communication, you will be building essential skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

English Preliminary Year 11

At the heart of all learning is interaction. By working closely with your Cluey Tutor to explore the world of language and communication, you will be building your confidence across a range of enjoyable activities and essential skills.

We asked some of our students near Townsville what they thought of their tutoring sessions:

Smily icon
"The tutor is a very nice and welcoming perosn. Made me feel comfortbale and I learned lots"
Metta, Chemistry student, Gold Coast QLD
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Learned A Lot
"It was okay, but sometimes I felt as though the tutor wasn't sure himself"
Steffi, Mathematics student, Miami QLD
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Learned A Lot
"Today we went through the the basic concept of moles by looking at some of my school work and we also practiced a few questions about empirical and molecular formulas. The content in the session was helpful for my school work"
Javan, Chemistry student, Brisbane, QLD
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Learned A Lot
"It went really good. The tutor was really good at teaching me how everything went. Happy to continue next we"
Abriel, English student, North Shore NSW
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"My session today was very productive and helpful and I understood what I had to do when the tutor would take me through how to properly answer the questions. Thoroughly enjoyed session :)"
Tobi, Mathematical Methods student, Miami QLD

Students from schools across QLD choose Cluey for private tutoring

Brisbane State High School
Government Co-Ed in South brisbane QLD offering 7-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 15:1
Canterbury College
Independent Co-Ed in Waterford QLD offering Prep-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 11:1
Chancellor State College
Government Co-Ed in Sippy downs QLD offering Prep-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 15:1
John Paul College
Independent Co-Ed in Daisy hill QLD offering Prep-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 12:1
Mercy College
Catholic Co-Ed in Mackay QLD offering 7-10 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 13:1
Somerset College
Independent Co-Ed in Mudgeeraba QLD offering Prep-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 14:1

Here’s what parents and students around Australia are saying about Cluey Learning:

The avatar of JOBEMUM
South East Queensland, QLD
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Immediate results
We initially sort help for our Year 9 son was experiencing difficulties in grasping maths concepts from his high school lessons. After only two sessions with his perfectly matched Cluey Learning tutor the results were evident, as he was achieving marks well above his previous grades.
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The avatar of Loredana
Far North Queensland, QLD
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Excellent service
My daughter loves cluey learning and it has helped her a lot at school. Maths and English is fun for her even so she is in year 11. Cluey learning has changed the prospective of learning, easy and fun.
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The avatar of Emma
South East Queensland, QLD
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Great Support
I have been so impressed with the professionalism of Cluey. The communication is excellent including the support on my son's first session to ensure all of the technology was set up for a smooth session. The tutor he has been matched with is perfect and he is getting so much out of it (Year 12 Biology)
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Improved my childs knowledge and confidence
The tutor is very helpful and welcoming. She is helping my daughter build confidence. so far we had 3 lessons and my daughters is really enjoying it and looks forward to the sessions. The tutor is professional and able to include my child into discussion which is really great improvement.
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The avatar of Kim
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Cluey is building my daughter's confidence
My child has a medical condition and has missed quite a bit of school. By joining Cluey learning he has gained confidence and has been able to fill in the gaps he has missed. He is always very excited to do the lessons and he always reflects back to me what he has learned. His tutor always checks with my son what he has been doing at school so he can extend on this.
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Extra boost of confidence
My son is lost in the system. He is that good child that they do not see. We started Cluey a few weeks back. I love the flexibility of doing it in our own home. The maths tutor gets it. He gets my son to work through the problems and figures out where he is making mistakes. They work back through the problem to fix it. My son than works on other similar problems that he does not get. Our tutor works with my son on the deficits in his maths knowledge. Having one on one allows my son to work on his individual needs.
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Our Partners:

UNSW Australia
UNSW Data Science Hub
NSW Govenment Education
The Harding Miller Education Foundation

As featured in:

Mum Cental
North Shore Mums
Stay at home Mum
Kids on the Coast
Northern beaches Mums
Stuff Mums like
Mama Disrupt
The Good School Guide
Six Little Heart
Brisbane Kids
The Canberra Times
(click the logo to read the article)

Our Awards:

Technology Fast 50
Holon IQ
Technology Scale-up Awards

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Phone: 1300 182 000
ABN: 33 620 549 019
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