Private tutoring for primary school students in Canberra
Expert tutoring
Highly skilled tutors that are friendly, patient and relatable.
Quality content
Quality content designed by education professionals in English, Maths and Chemistry.
Delivered face-to-face online – so you can relax at home while they learn.
Meet some of our 2,521+ expert primary school tutors
Our tutors are all qualified teachers, exceptional ATAR achievers or experts in their respective fields.
ACT University Student
Mathematics: Year 7 - Year 12 | Chemistry HSC: Year 7 - Year 12
Mufidah is a medical sciences student and experienced tutor in Maths and Chemistry. She combines rigour with fun to help all her students achieve their academic goals.
ACT University Student
Chemistry HSC: Year 11 - Year 12
Bartholomew completed the International Baccalaureate with a score of 38/45, equivalent to an ATAR score of 96.75. He is currently in his first year of a Bachelor of Science with majors in Biochemistry and Psychology at Australian National University. Bartholomew has experience in tutoring Chemistry at a high school level and has a passion for Sciences.
ACT University Student
Mathematics: Year 7 - Year 10
Angela completed the International Baccalaureate Program in 2018, with a top ATAR equivalent. She is currently working towards a Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of International Relations. Angela is an astute math tutor and help's students to realise their potential.
In addition to tackling a more challenging array of questions, Year 6 students recognise that numbers can be positive or negative, apply the rules for the order of operations, add and subtract decimals in real-life contexts and learn to use a Cartesian plane. Greater ability to think about the practical application of mathematical rules enables students to understand and represent data in more sophisticated ways.
The numbers skills of students in Year 5 should allow them to apply place value in digits of any number and demonstrate a more sophisticated understanding of number patterns and fractions. They are dealing with more challenging multiplication problems, including using the formal algorithm, and calculating amounts of money using percentages. Their appreciation of space and time is becoming more subtle and abstract.
In Year 2, students are developing their reading skills and using a range of strategies to recognise and decode words. They are learning to understand the range of purposes and audiences for spoken and written language and also learning to create their own texts for specific purposes and audiences. They are also learning to reflect on and assess their own writing and that of others.
Students build their analytical skills, gaining greater insight into the choices made by the creators of texts and how these impact readers. The focus on evaluation in the final years of the primary curriculum requires a larger technical vocabulary, greater ability to understand abstract meaning and figurative language, and to master a range of text types. Pre-essaying writing skills are consolidated in preparation for Year 7.
Students learn operations with numbers that include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They develop greater multiplication skills by learning times tables. They work with measurements of length and area, volume and capacity, mass and time, identify 2D and 3D space and angles and start graphing statistics in simple graphs. Students are starting to learn the appropriate mathematical terminology to explain their problem-solving strategies.
We asked some of our students near Canberra what they thought of their tutoring sessions:
Learned A Lot
"I chose that emoji because I learnt a lot of comprehension"
Zareef, English student, ACT ACT
Learned A Lot
"I chose this emoji because I leared a lot of new words"
Jaedyn, English student, ACT ACT
Learned A Lot
"I learned a lot because we did compound sentences and simple sentences"
Affan, English student, ACT ACT
Learned A Lot
"I chose that emoji because we learnt a lt long and short senteces:)"
Farzina, English student, ACT ACT
Learned A Lot
"I chose this emoji because we learned big words and we expressed our feelings in a narrative"
Fiona, English student, Canberra ACT
Students from schools across ACT choose Cluey for private tutoring
Burgmann Anglican School
Independent Co-Ed in Gungahlin ACT offering K-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 12:1
Canberra Grammar School
Independent Co-Ed in Red hill ACT offering K-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 11:1
Lyneham High School
Government Co-Ed in Lyneham ACT offering 7-10 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 14:1
St Francis Xavier College
Catholic Co-Ed in Florey ACT offering 7-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 13:1
St Mary MacKillop College
Catholic Co-Ed in Isabella plains ACT offering 7-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 13:1
Telopea Park School
Government Co-Ed in Barton ACT offering K-10 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 14:1
Here’s what parents and students around Australia are saying about Cluey Learning:
I clicked on a link for Cluey for my son on a whim during lockdown. I was called within an hour and my son was being tutored for year 3 maths the very next day. The tutor is patient, knowledgeable and has been great for my son's confidence. Very impressed and very surprised with such a great service.
Tutors have connected well with my daughter and learning a lot from them. Great, open communication, well structured lessons and I aware of the progress made! Highly recommend Cluey learning
My daughter had tutoring through a different organisation and the package was a little restricted. Rescheduling appointments was difficult. Cluey is flexible and the online tutoring system works well. We highly recommend Cluey Learning. Cluey Learning tailored the content to my daughters mathematics curriculum.
This was specific to the Maths Methods yr 11 maths program and we are very happy.
The tutor my daughter has been dealing with has been excellent. A university student with a high focus on improving my students knowledge of mathematics. Cluey provides a great curriculum that is well followed. It has been easy to work this into our weekly routine.
Cluey has helped my daughter understand her maths and English better over time. She really loves her English tutor and enjoys these lessons. It has been a good investment. However, I think that it is important to get the right tutor for the child and ensure that they practice regularly.
My son is lost in the system. He is that good child that they do not see. We started Cluey a few weeks back. I love the flexibility of doing it in our own home. The maths tutor gets it. He gets my son to work through the problems and figures out where he is making mistakes. They work back through the problem to fix it. My son than works on other similar problems that he does not get. Our tutor works with my son on the deficits in his maths knowledge. Having one on one allows my son to work on his individual needs.