school ranking

About this guide

Think of this page almost like a school counselor, helping you through the tough decision of choosing the best school for your child. It includes a table of school rankings, which provides a simple way for you to compare the state’s top schools based on how well their students scored in the NTCET. You’ll also find some handy articles filled with helpful tips and advice on the benefits of tutoring and how to choose the right school for you.

NTCET Results >>

What is an ATAR score?

The ATAR is a rank rather than a mark and indicates a student’s overall academic achievement in relation to other students. If you want to go to uni, you’ll need an ATAR. Find out how your ATAR is calculated here:

How are the NT rankings calculated?

The table below shows the top schools in NT, ranked by number of students who completed a NTCET in 2020.