"This session was great!. My tutor was really kind and very helpful. He helped me even when it was something was really easy"
Isadora, English student, Hobart TAS
"Each year I learned how to do graphing but I did not understand , now I did understand"
Emilee, Mathematics Advanced student, Hobart TAS
"I enjoyed writing the beginning of my fantasy story, even though it's out of my comfort zone. My tutor helped me edit, and encouraged m by telling me how much I've improv"
Arley, English student, Townsville QLD
"This session was helpful and I enjoyed meeting my tutor. It was fun and I can't wait for my next lesson with h"
Moonam, English student, Hobart TAS
"It went really good and the tutor was really g"
Manikpreet, Mathematics student, Hobart TAS