Rated 4.7/5 by parents and students (over 1,000,000 sessions now completed)

Primary School Tutoring Penrith

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Private tutoring for primary school students in Penrith

Expert tutoring

Expert tutoring

Highly skilled tutors that are friendly, patient and relatable.
Quality content

Quality content

Quality content designed by education professionals in English, Maths and Chemistry.


Delivered face-to-face online – so you can relax at home while they learn.

Meet some of our 2,521+ expert primary school tutors

Our tutors are all qualified teachers, exceptional ATAR achievers or experts in their respective fields.
Image of NSW University Student Chinnu from Bungarribee


NSW University Student
Mathematics: Year 3 - Year 10
English: Year 3 - Year 10
Chinnu completed her Year 12 certificate with an ATAR of 95.45. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Commerce/Information Systems at University of New South Wales. Chinnu is passionate about the wellbeing and education of young people and aims to make learning a fun and engaging experience.
Image of NSW Teacher Samantha from Watanobbi


NSW Teacher
Mathematics: Year 4
English: Year 4
Samantha is currently studying her Bachelor of Education (Primary) at the Australian Catholic University. Samantha is skilled in helping students increase their confidence in their studies and reach their potential. She currently tutors English and Maths to primary students.
Image of NSW Teacher Michelle from Hornsby Heights


Hornsby Heights
NSW Teacher
Mathematics: Year 2 - Year 6
English: Year 2 - Year 6
Michelle is a qualified and experienced primary school teacher. Having completed a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Primary), a Diploma of TESOL, she is accredited with NSW Education Standards Authority. She has over five years of experience working as a teacher with NSW Department of Education, over two years of experience working as a tutor with tutoring/coaching centres in NSW (both in centre and online) and over two years of experience teaching English overseas. Michelle is very passionate about teaching because she loves helping her students reach their potential.
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Some of the subjects we cover

Each subject is covered using a learning program that contains all the content you need and is led by your personally matched tutor

Mathematics Year 6

In addition to tackling a more challenging array of questions, Year 6 students recognise that numbers can be positive or negative, apply the rules for the order of operations, add and subtract decimals in real-life contexts and learn to use a Cartesian plane. Greater ability to think about the practical application of mathematical rules enables students to understand and represent data in more sophisticated ways.

Mathematics Year 5

The numbers skills of students in Year 5 should allow them to apply place value in digits of any number and demonstrate a more sophisticated understanding of number patterns and fractions. They are dealing with more challenging multiplication problems, including using the formal algorithm, and calculating amounts of money using percentages. Their appreciation of space and time is becoming more subtle and abstract.

English Year 2

In Year 2, students are developing their reading skills and using a range of strategies to recognise and decode words. They are learning to understand the range of purposes and audiences for spoken and written language and also learning to create their own texts for specific purposes and audiences. They are also learning to reflect on and assess their own writing and that of others.

English Year 6

Students build their analytical skills, gaining greater insight into the choices made by the creators of texts and how these impact readers. The focus on evaluation in the final years of the primary curriculum requires a larger technical vocabulary, greater ability to understand abstract meaning and figurative language, and to master a range of text types. Pre-essaying writing skills are consolidated in preparation for Year 7.

Mathematics Year 3

Students learn operations with numbers that include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They develop greater multiplication skills by learning times tables. They work with measurements of length and area, volume and capacity, mass and time, identify 2D and 3D space and angles and start graphing statistics in simple graphs. Students are starting to learn the appropriate mathematical terminology to explain their problem-solving strategies.

We asked some of our students near Penrith what they thought of their tutoring sessions:

Smily icon
Learned A Lot
"i feel like I'm now more competent woth ang"
Riah, Mathematics student, Penrith NSW
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"I thought it was fun because it fun thinking of words you don't normally use like amaze balls. It just gets your brain worki"
Ledger, English student, Penrith NSW
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Learned A Lot
"I loved the tutor! She was so fun and encouraging!"
Matias, English student, Lindfield NSW
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Learned A Lot
"As much as Chole is my new tutor she really helped me and I learned a lot today and it was fun writing scripts with her"
Haydn, English student, Hurstville NSW
Smily icon
"it is my first time doing tutoring and felt excited:)"
Siani, Mathematics student, Redlands NSW

Students from schools across NSW choose Cluey for private tutoring

Ascham School
Independent Girls in Edgecliff NSW offering K-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 8:1
James Ruse Agricultural High School
Government Co-Ed in Carlingford NSW offering 7-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 14:1
Sydney Boys High School
Government Boys in Surry hills NSW offering 7-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 15:1
Sydney Grammar School
Independent Boys in Darlinghurst NSW offering K-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 9:1
The King's School
Independent Boys in North parramatta NSW offering K-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 10:1
Trinity Grammar School
Independent Boys in Summer hill NSW offering K-12 with a Student to Fulltime Teacher ratio of 9:1

Here’s what parents and students around Australia are saying about Cluey Learning:

Extra boost of confidence
My son is lost in the system. He is that good child that they do not see. We started Cluey a few weeks back. I love the flexibility of doing it in our own home. The maths tutor gets it. He gets my son to work through the problems and figures out where he is making mistakes. They work back through the problem to fix it. My son than works on other similar problems that he does not get. Our tutor works with my son on the deficits in his maths knowledge. Having one on one allows my son to work on his individual needs.
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The avatar of Okiemute A.
Sydney, NSW
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Cluey has provided us with a convenient way for our year 4 son to build confidence in Maths and English. His tutors are so patient and understanding and reports are received almost immediately his session ends.
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The avatar of ANDREW
Sydney, NSW
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Very happy with cluey
Daughter is struggling with year 3 maths I turned to cluey for help and now the daughter has more confidence in herself and I can see her understanding of maths greatly improving.
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The avatar of Michelle
Hunter Region, NSW
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Great learning experience
I was looking for tutoring to support a Year 11 and now Year 12 studies. We have been matched with good tutors for both math and english. The systems are great and allow parent to make sure sessions are effective, swapping and pausing is easy and very flexible. I was reluctant for an online forum however convinced now by the service offered and convenience of being able to books sessions (without the drop/off and pickup runaround!). Like any service like this, it all relies on the Tutor your student is matched with - we had a substitute tutor for one session and their communication style was different so not as conducive to my student's learning style. The system provides for you to swap out a tutor if its not working out. We are happy to the first match of tutors provided - just more cautious if we are being offered a substitute in future. Overall very happy with the service and we will be continuing this year.
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The avatar of prisky
Sydney, NSW
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So far so good
My daughter who is in year 5, has had three 1-1 remote lessons with an English and maths teacher.Both teachers appear very knowledgeable. My daughter is once again excited about learning and feels more confident as a result of these lessons. The online platform the kids use during the session is intuitive and ease to use. The feedback sent after the lesson is great to ensure parents are across what was done during the lesson.
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The avatar of Kim
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Cluey is building my daughter's confidence
My child has a medical condition and has missed quite a bit of school. By joining Cluey learning he has gained confidence and has been able to fill in the gaps he has missed. He is always very excited to do the lessons and he always reflects back to me what he has learned. His tutor always checks with my son what he has been doing at school so he can extend on this.
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Extra boost of confidence
My son is lost in the system. He is that good child that they do not see. We started Cluey a few weeks back. I love the flexibility of doing it in our own home. The maths tutor gets it. He gets my son to work through the problems and figures out where he is making mistakes. They work back through the problem to fix it. My son than works on other similar problems that he does not get. Our tutor works with my son on the deficits in his maths knowledge. Having one on one allows my son to work on his individual needs.
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The avatar of Okiemute A.
Sydney, NSW
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Cluey has provided us with a convenient way for our year 4 son to build confidence in Maths and English. His tutors are so patient and understanding and reports are received almost immediately his session ends.
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Our Partners:

UNSW Australia
UNSW Data Science Hub
NSW Govenment Education
The Harding Miller Education Foundation

As featured in:

Mum Cental
North Shore Mums
Stay at home Mum
Kids on the Coast
Northern beaches Mums
Stuff Mums like
Mama Disrupt
The Good School Guide
Six Little Heart
Brisbane Kids
The Canberra Times
(click the logo to read the article)

Our Awards:

Technology Fast 50
Holon IQ
Technology Scale-up Awards

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L2 / 117 Clarence St, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 1300 182 000
ABN: 33 620 549 019
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